30 Day challenge

So I saw the movie Julie & Julia in theaters with my hubby and got really inspired! I really like what she did with Julia Child's book and thought that maybe I would like to do something like that. I didn't want to the exact challenge, per say, but i really liked the idea. So the last couple of days I have been pondering on what I could do. I played with the idea that i could do the exact thing that Julie did - cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook. So i went to the bookstore with the intent on buying Julia's book - but then I looked through it. I decided I didn't really like cooking that much. Sure cooking can be fun, but not THAT fun!! So I started looking at other ideas - since I was at the bookstore already and this is what I came up with.

Ever since I had Jacob I have struggled with my weight. I have tried everything - and I mean everything...pills, dieting with friends, working out with friends, at least 3 different diet programs...and I just couldn't hack it. It's probably down to motivation and I just didn't have it (besides the fact that I have issues with finishing things!!!). So I found a book at the bookstore - The Biggest Loser 30-Day Jump Start. This book looks fool proof - and motivationless (is that a word?). The book has meals and snacks for 30 days, along with exercise to do for everyday.

My Challenge is simple...follow this book ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!! No quitting half way through...no "cheating" PERIOD. I figure I can do anything for 30 days...especially something that is fool proof!!

The purpose of posting this on my blog is so that everyone knows so that i will feel even that much more motivated to finish! If I did it privately...I could quit and the only person I would have to answer to is myself. This gives me my reputation as motivation. I don't want to look like a quitter to anyone...

So there it is!! Wish me luck!!

Monday, August 31, 2009